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EM Ceramic Ideal for Cooking
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EM Ceramic - For cooking

Reference -PGFGSC
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EM ceramic. Ideal for cooking.
EM ceramic is made of clay mixed with micro-organisms carefully fired at a high temperature through an airless (anaerobic) process.

This dense shape makes the ceramic ideal for cooking as it can sustaing high temperature with little risk of material damage.

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Effective micro-organisms

EM stands for "Effective Micro-organisms". EM Ceramic is made of clay mixed with non-manipulated micro-organisms, that are both useful and beneficial.


Special cooking 
Highly resistant - For high temperatures - ideal in the kettle, and in pots and pans, in boiling water and in frying oil.



Definition of EM.

Made of clay mixed with effective micro-organisms, EM ceramic is fired at a high temperature through an air-free process (reffered  to as an anaerobic firing process).

As a result, the multiple characteristics of the effective microorganisms are active. (Most known microorganisms are found in the magma of volcanoes or in the hot water of geysers).

No need to worry, EM ceramics contain only beneficial bacteria and are not harmful to people or pets. Indeed, any potentially harmful microorganisms ar destroyed when exposed to high temperature. The firing process of EM ceramic effectively preserves beneficial microorganisms while destroying potentially harmful ones.


Benefits of EM ceramics.
According to Prof. Dr. Terua Higa, EM-ceramic has the unique property of attracting molecular elements present in water. These can be harmful, but could simply be affecting the taste of the water. Ceramics have the natural ability to cause ion exchange and long-wave infrared radiation. - This restores water molecules to their original clean state. 

EM has an extraordinary antioxidant power, it not only has the capacity to avoid oxidation, it also removes oxidation. At the same time, it has a magnetic action on substances. All effects combined, it has a regenerative power. EM-ceramic can thus contribute to water regeneration. 

EM-ceramic has an effect on water thanks to the molecular action of microorganisms. The firing process of the clay does not affect the microorganisms. Therefore the magnetic resonance from EM ceramic is both beneficial and natural. 

What happens to the EM information when the clay is fired? 


Professor Teruo Higa explains the transmission of information as follows.


"Clay is an electronically charged colloid, which, if its electrical properties are concentrated, can double the information power of microorganisms. The theory that all life originates in clay can be reduced to the fact that clay has the property to assimilate, fix and bind various electrical information. As a result, EM-ceramic can serve as a template for EM information. When clay comes in contact with water this pattern allows information to be extracted from EM."

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Effective micro-organisms



Photosynthetic bacteria :

Photosynthetic bacteria play a crucial role in the action of effective micro-organisms. Using sunlight and soil heat, they produce nutrients by converting root emissions, organic matter and harmful gases (photosynthesis). Plants can directly assimilate their metabolic products. In addition, photosynthetic bacteria stimulate the reproduction of other bacteria and fix nitrogen.


Lactic acid bacteria:

Lactic acid bacteria have a powerful sterilising effect. They reduce harmful micro-organisms and facilitate the rapid decomposition of organic matter. They can, among other things, prevent the reproduction of Fusarium, a harmful mould.



Yeasts produce nutrients and antimicrobial substances necessary for plant growth. Their metabolic substances are food for other bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria and actinomycetes.



Actinomycetes reduce harmful moulds and can cohabit with photosynthetic bacteria.


Fermenting moulds:

Fermenting moulds break down organic substances quickly, thus reducing unpleasant odours. They prevent damage caused by harmful insects.

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Effective micro-organisms

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